‘Providing and coordinating skilled IT technicians, network cablers and electricians to represent our clients on-site throughout Australia and New Zealand’
Regional Systems Support (RSS) Australia
1800 069 060

Or phone +61 (07) 3059 8610

Contact Us


1800 069 060
+61 (07) 3059 8610


Level 9,
307 Queen Street,
Brisbane 4000

Regional Systems Support is the trading name of RSS Australia Pty Ltd.
ABN: 66 085 120 958

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If any materials (information, documents and audio-visual materials) are downloaded and copied from this Site, the User agrees to appropriately acknowledge this Site as the source of the materials in question, regardless of whether they are subject to the copyright of RSS. Such acknowledgement should include the following statement “Material obtained from the website of RSS Australia, located at www.rss.com.au”

Job Request Form

Your Job / Order Number:
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Your Client's Job Number:
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Requested or Contracted SLA:
SLA Deadline dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss:
Site Company Name:
Site Address:
(including state and post code)
Site Contacts Name/s:
Site Contact Number/s:
Yours or Client Technical Support Name/s:
Technical Support Number/s:
Equipment Make / Model:
Serial Number:
Quote Required First?:
Notes: Specify Parameters to Quote (labour and parts, parts only)
List any Additional Documents to be Sent to Tech:
Notes: Supply them if RSS does not have a copy already
Service Requested:
Notes: Include list of any Special equipment e.g. laptop and console cable, drill. Also include details and delivery date of any parts you are sending.
Special Instructions:
Contact Name:
Contact Company Name:
Contact Telephone:
Contact Email:
Please note: in submitting this job request, you are agreeing to RSS terms and conditions of charges and payment