‘Providing and coordinating skilled IT technicians, network cablers and electricians to represent our clients on-site throughout Australia and New Zealand’
Regional Systems Support (RSS) Australia
1800 069 060

Or phone +61 (07) 3059 8610

Service Desk

The RSS Service Desk is your single point of contact for all regional service tasks and information.

RSS understands from over 15 years of experience in regional IT service delivery, the importance of developing an understanding of your requirements, and providing consistent, high-quality and timely services through professional help desk staff and on-site resources. We look forward to discussing your business requirements.

When you pass RSS a task with the supporting documentation and equipment, the RSS Service Desk will:

  • Review the job to ensure all required information and variables are specified,
  • Arrange the appropriately skilled and accredited resources (IT, network cabling and or electrical),
  • Discuss the task, equipment required and deadline with the attending RSS office.
  • Confirm a suitable ETA with all parties,
  • Track consignments to ensure parts delivery is on schedule, and escalate where they are not,
  • Attend site at the notified ETA,
  • Escalate any issues on-site appropriately,
  • Update you regularly with progress on-site in real time,
  • Co-ordinate technical support either internally or with remote customer IT department engineers,
  • Facilitate any conference calls so customers can speak with our technicians on-site before they leave,
  • Ensure any remote helpdesk confirms connectivity of a unit on the network before our resource leaves site, and
  • Provide full summaries and signed job sheets for each visit to site.

Support Methodology

The RSS Service Desk is based in Brisbane. It runs 24 x 7 to take and action jobs, keeping the customer updated throughout the process to job completion.

RSS provides 8x5 and 24x7 coverage as required and agreed in advance. RSS prides itself on a reputation of responsiveness.

RSS understands from over a decade of experience, the importance of working to customer-specific service procedures. RSS is a quality-accredited company. RSS develops a customer procedure for each body of work to ensure our Service Desk staff and technicians conduct themselves as each customer requires.

This procedure addresses the specific way the sites are to be supported and the manner in which equipment is to be serviced. The RSS Service Desk will track every service call in accordance with this procedure, using the support of automated, comprehensive operational systems.

Job Request Form

Your Job / Order Number:
error text
Your Client's Job Number:
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Requested or Contracted SLA:
SLA Deadline dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss:
Site Company Name:
Site Address:
(including state and post code)
Site Contacts Name/s:
Site Contact Number/s:
Yours or Client Technical Support Name/s:
Technical Support Number/s:
Equipment Make / Model:
Serial Number:
Quote Required First?:
Notes: Specify Parameters to Quote (labour and parts, parts only)
List any Additional Documents to be Sent to Tech:
Notes: Supply them if RSS does not have a copy already
Service Requested:
Notes: Include list of any Special equipment e.g. laptop and console cable, drill. Also include details and delivery date of any parts you are sending.
Special Instructions:
Contact Name:
Contact Company Name:
Contact Telephone:
Contact Email:
Please note: in submitting this job request, you are agreeing to RSS terms and conditions of charges and payment